ROB MURRAY: I’m speaking with local hockey coach Sean Kjemhus. Congratulations! The Canmore Eagles U13 team with Canmore Minor Hockey has made the regional finals for the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup. What exactly is the Chevrolet Good Deeds Cup?

SEAN KJEMHUS: This cup is for U11, U13, and U15 hockey teams to pitch their good idea that helps promote goodwill. Certainly in a year like this year, Rob, we’re grateful to help others.

RM: How did the Eagles U13 team make the regional finals?

SK: We were staying closely together virtually during this most recent pause in our hockey season. The team voted for our local charity, Rocky Mountain Adaptive, to try to help them raise funds for more equipment and an ability to host more of their programs and bring their costs down. One of the main reasons is that it allows kids that have disabilities to be able to play sports or try some sports. As you know, kids and the empathy that they have today, I thought that was pretty cool that really resonated with them. As part of this we put together a video. The Good Deeds Cup people saw fit to announce us as Alberta finalists. We’re excited about that. Now the voting starts, so we’re trying to garner local support and provincial support. The teams with the most votes by February 24th will move on to become the final three, at which point a committee will determine who the champion is.

RM: What does the winning charity and team end up getting?

SK: As a regional finalist, our charity is already guaranteed $2,000 from Chevrolet. If we move to the next round, that will be up to $5,000. If you win overall, that’s a $100,000 prize.

RM: That’s amazing. I’m sure Rocky Mountain Adaptive, in a year when they’ve been struggling with holding their regular fundraisers, could really use that kind of support.

SK: This year has affected everybody and certainly has affected them, but it hasn’t affected their enthusiasm. We’re really proud so far to earn them that $2,000 and hopefully more.

RM: What is the state of a minor hockey in town right now? Are you able to do practices?

SK: It’s encouraging that we’ll hopefully return back to ice as part of Phase 1 of youth sports returning. We’re hoping to get back on ice really soon. In addition to that, we’re really hoping locally for the Junior A Eagles as well, and excited to hopefully see them back on ice.

RM: People can vote every day, once a day, until February the 24th, I voted – it takes like 15 seconds. Sean, thanks for joining me on the show and best of luck to the team.

SK: Thanks a lot for having me Rob, and once again, you said it, please vote every day.

Filed under: Canmore, Canmore Eagles, Hockey