ROB: I’m speaking with musician Terez. Why don’t you introduce yourself to us and our listeners. Who are you? How long you’ve been doing the music thing for?

TEREZ: I’m Terez. I fell in love with music as a kid. When I was about 10 years old I started writing songs and just really falling in love with singing and performing, and I started taking it seriously when I was about 16.

ROB: I understand that you’ve been putting out a few singles and you’re set to release a new EP.

TEREZ: Yes, I just released a song called “Hot Mess” and I’m planning to release my first EP this year.

ROB: What inspires your music and your songwriting?

TEREZ: A lot of different things. There’s so much inspiration to be found in everything, whether it’s out of a conversation or your own life experiences. I think the more that you’re on the alert for it the more that you find it, and it can even be found through other art and just everyday influences.

ROB: You’ve spent a fair bit of time in the Canmore area before?

TEREZ: Yeah, my mom is actually based in Canmore.

ROB: Where do you normally split your time?

TEREZ: Right now I’m in Calgary, but before COVID started I was back and forth between Toronto and Nashville.

ROB: What’s your favorite part about our area?

TEREZ: It’s so beautiful. It’s so surreal. I think coming from Calgary, you can get a little used to it. I’m sure it’s the same for people who live by the beach. They don’t treasure it the way that someone would if they came from the snow, but every time I’m up there, I’m just in awe of the beauty and the nature that’s there. I feel so fortunate to come from so close to an area that is just incredibly beautiful.

ROB: Tell us a little bit about your new single “Hot Mess”.

TEREZ: It’s a fun little tune. I wanted to bring some lightness because there’s so much heaviness going on in the world right now. I wrote it because I was being a bit of a hot mess. I just wanted to call myself out for it in a very fun, loving way. I ended up writing this song after leaving my wallet in a Uber. You can hear that in one of the lines – the line says I left my phone in the Uber, but that did them from a real life experience.

ROB: When can we expect to hear more music from you and your new EP?

TEREZ: In a couple of months I’m going to drop another single, and by summertime-ish you’ll be able to hear the full EP.

ROB: Have you been able to be really creative during the lockdown we’ve been experiencing?

TEREZ: Yeah. I almost feel a little guilty because I’ve so treasured this time, it feels like a creative incubator in a way. I know so many people are struggling and that’s why I do feel a sense of guilt, but it truly has been such an excellent time as a creative, to just be able to create.

ROB: Did you have to scuttle any live performance plans?

TEREZ: I was going to be opening for RALPH in Calgary. TYhat’s actually why I ended up in Calgary during COVID. I was flying from Toronto to Calgary to play the show and then I was supposed to carry on to the Junos, and I landed in Calgary and they were like, everything’s done. This is back in March, so the show was canceled, the Junos were canceled, so I ended up deciding to stay in Calgary with my family. This has gone on a little bit longer than some of us thought it would. I’m just hanging out here with my family. so no complaints.

ROB: Where can people find you online across social media?

TEREZ:  Everything is that Terezmusic, and my website.