
A full day of ideas worth spreading and evolutionary thinking featuring 15 presenters from the Bow Valley and beyond, TEDx Canmore hits the Cornerstone Theatre stage this Friday!


Jon Turk told me his Big Brains, No Tools presentation will take a look back in human history to show that our use of tools is relatively modern and humanity got along pretty well without them.


Canmore’s creativity expert Marci Segal will be introducing the concept of the Angel’s Advocate to provide people with an alternate response to new ideas rather than shooing them away.


Andrew Nickerson from Canmore Business & Tourism will do a presentation entitled From Original Concept to National Award Winner: The remarkable evolution of a Food Festival.  I think we all know what this is about….Canmore Uncorked!


Matt Moreau, along with his business partner Kori Chillibeck, will be talking about how our everyday purchases can affect positive change through social consumerism and how they feel they’ve created a model for that through their organization The Earth Group.

Tickets are still available for TEDx Canmore!  Click here.