Photo: Alexis McKeown


Kristy was back on air with me to talk about the beginning of summer, sharing the stories of local not-for-profits, the massive undertaking underway to move to the Wolfe Canmore dealership to their new Bow Valley Trail location, and some big achievements in podcasting and digital storytelling.

Kristy and Rob talk about the end of the school year and praise the teachers that made it happen.


Rob and Kristy discuss summer break with kids both home and away.


Kristy talks about the groundbreaking for the new Wolfe Canmore automotive dealership location on Bow Valley Trail.


Kristy teases some big news in the realms of her podcast and digital storytelling.


Kristy discusses the Wolfe Pack Warrior’s support for the Edmonton Firefighter’s Burn Treatment Society.


Rob and Kristy talk about how storytelling elevates our local not-for-profit groups, and a few she’s working with right now.


Filed under: Community Co-Host