Photo: Renee Ladouceur


Tony Esteves is an interesting guy!  He’s literally written the book on how to meet people, based on his experience intentionally meeting a new stranger every day for an entire year.  On the Community Co-Host feature, we talk about human connection and some upcoming events around that in Canmore this week, performing in a circus, and more.

Tony introduces himself.


Tony discusses his book and the human connection events he’s hosting in Canmore this week.


Tony talks about the importance of quality human connections.


Tony shares details about the new social connection guidelines being released by the Canadian government.


As a relative newcomer to town, Tony talks about what brought him to Canmore and his experience here so far.


Tony tells us about his stage character, The Mirror Man.


Tony talks about how he ended up joining a circus troupe in Calgary and what that experience has been like.


Rob and Tony talk about the benefits that learning improv has brought to their lives.


Tony shares some of the motivations and methods he uses as a coach for creatives.

Filed under: Community Co-Host