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ROB MURRAY: I’m speaking with Vincent Scott from the Canmore Eagles. I just wanted to call to congratulate you. We’ve named you the Mountain FM Player of the Month for the Eagles for January! If my count is right, you’ve had a goal and nine assists in 13 games in January. You’ve actually kind of flirted with top two, top three, when I’ve had to pick this award almost every month this season. You just seem to be having a really consistent season. How do you feel your season is going?

VINCENT SCOTT: I could have had a couple more goals, but I’m happy with the way that I’m playing. More importantly, I’m happy with the way that the team is playing. I think into the new year we’ve been playing a lot better, so that’s perfect. Looking forward to playoffs.

RM: What do you see as your role on the team?

VS: In any situation it’s good to be relied on, and I think I’m a guy with some experience in these situations. I can play the penalty kill and the power play. I can play six on five, five on six, five on five, really anything that Andrew trusts me with.

RM: At 5’7” you’re the shortest member on the Eagle’s roster by a couple of inches. Do you feel your size gives you any advantages on the ice? Any challenges in this league?

VS: I think people will look at me and kind of underestimate what I can do. Guys think that just because I’m small they can overpower me or whatever. I think that sometimes I can surprise some people, especially on the other team, in terms of my physicality. It’s a little bit of a blessing in disguise.

RM: Something I’ve definitely noticed from you on the ice is your speed. Sometimes you just turn on the engines, jet down the ice, and set up a really good scoring chance. Is this something you’ve been working on?

VS: It’s something that I’ve had for a long time now. I think it’s the one thing that has gotten me to this point in my career, and hopefully to the next level as well. Every off-season I work on it a little bit, but there are other pieces that I focus on.

RM: Is there anything in particular you’re focusing on right now?

VS: I think my shot can be a lot better. I only have five goals this season and I think that number can go up. That’s one of the most important things I’m working on right now.

RM: How long have you been with Eagles now?

VS: I got here two games into the season.

RM: How have you enjoyed your time with the Eagles? Do you like playing here in Canmore?

VS: It’s awesome. It’s such a change from Sherwood Park where I was. I love it there, but it’s a little more youthful here. In the fans there’s a lot of kids, there’s a lot of youth teams that come out, and the energy they bring is awesome.

RM: We have a couple of games here against Lloydminster tonight and the Spruce Grove Saints tomorrow. What are you and the team working on leading up to these games, and generally leading up to the playoffs?

VS: Leading up to the playoffs, every game matters. Us and Blackfalds are pretty close right now. We’re just looking to win every game; every two points matter because that determines who we play. We’re treating every game like a playoff game, so it’s kind of a do or die mentality every night.

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Filed under: AJHL, Canmore, Canmore Eagles, Mountain FM Player of the Month