Activist and actress Jane Fonda may be 83-years-old, but she’s never looked better!  What we love most about her look is her natural hair!  Her all grey hair style, embraces natural beauty and we’re here for it!  She’s over spending the time and money on trying to keep up with her hair colour so, she’s embraced her natural colour and looks great!  Getting older is a beautiful journey to making more mature decisions and embracing all of your strengths and weaknesses, and we’re happy to see Jane Fonda doing just that!

Jane has been working hard towards balancing climate change and keeping the pressure on the government to help.  She’s been promoting sweat suits to help raise proceeds for Green Peace.  Jane recently told Ellen that she realized, those at her that she noticed in recent years, those who were at her side protesting were mostly older women.  She felt this was because older women they are wiser, braver and speak out more.

Jane recently won the Cecil B. DeMille at the Golden Globes and spoke to her hopes for more women to win that special honour.