ROB MURRAY: I’m joined by Amber Donald on the show. For the last couple of Christmases you’ve done a special meal on Christmas Day. Obviously you’re having to change things up. What are you up to this year?

AMBER DONALD:  For the last two years my family, with the support of a few great friends and some amazing businesses in the valley, have done a free pancake breakfast for the community. Due to the recent COVID restrictions we have decided that we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to be doing contactless delivery. You will still get everything that you need for apancake breakfast in a bag, and we will be delivering to Banff and Canmore. Even if you’re in Exshaw or Lake Louise, please reach out. We have had a lot of people offer to do deliveries so we can see what we can get out to you. This is available to anyone and any kind of situation. Even if you know somebody that you think could benefit from this, please do contact me and we can do a contactless drop off.

RM: What’s actually in these packages?

AD: So these will be in a we build them, you cook them type of package, which means that you’ll be responsible for cooking them in the morning, but you’ll have everything that you need to cook yourself a nice pancake breakfast. If you are finding that you don’t have the means to do so, please let us know and we can make some different arrangements for you for a drop-off on Christmas morning of a pre-made meal.

RM: You mentioned you’ve had some local help?

AD: I would also personally like to send out to a huge thank-you to everybody that has reached out to offer their help, and also to all the businesses that have showed amazing support and offer donations. The Banff Lodging Company, Banff IGA, the Spirit of Christmas store, the Coast Hotel in Canmore…this would not be possible without you, or at least not to the extent that it will be, and we are so grateful for everything. So thank you very much. So people get ahold

RM: How can people get a hold of you if they want to arrange a delivery?

AD: People are than welcome to contact me through social media, also through email, or please feel free to even just give me a call or a text at (403) 763-8109. Have a Merry Christmas, everybody!

Filed under: Banff, Canmore