ROB MURRAY: I’m speaking with Madeline Williams. We’re here to talk about the Bow Valley Artisan Studio Tour this Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM. What’s the idea behind this?

MADELINE WILLIAMS: The Canmore Preschool Society normally hosts the Canmore Christmas Artisans Market, which is not able to happen this year because of the COVID situation. We had local potter Karen Antrobus reach out to us to see if we’d be interested in organizing an artist studio tour where customers would come to the artists, more of a regular retail experience for the artisans to get their name out there and generate some business. With the cancellation of the market obviously they’re hurting too.

RM: How’s it going to work? Is this something  where people can drop by the studios? Is it going to be online? A bit of a mix?

MW: It’s going to be a mixture of things. With the new restrictions announced we’re going to have more people move their studios online. People who have a website where you can look at their products and make an online purchase, there’s going to be a few of those. There are also people who have gotten creative with their own studio space, either by moving things outside or they’re going to be controlling the flow of traffic in some way through their studio space to comply with the restrictions. There are a few people in some shared spaces, the Hive Gallery on Main Street as well as the Bow Valley Garden Centre, but they will have limited capacity so we ask people to be patient.

RM: I’d imagine things might change in the coming days and you’ll keep people updated?

MW: We’re updating the website as we sort out how each individual studio is going to work best, so before you head out please check the website. Check all the artisans that you’re interested in visiting and make sure you know how it’s going to work with them.

RM: I know the regular Canmore Christmas Artisans Market is a huge event. It must be a pretty massive fundraiser for the Canmore Preschool Society and a pretty big hole to try to fill fundraising-wise.

MW: Yeah, and we won’t be able to fill it this year. We’re just doing the best that we can. While it’s a fundraiser for the preschool, it’s also a community event in the sense that we’re just trying to help each other out. The artisans are helping the preschool out and we’re just trying to help the artisans get some traffic too, and whatever funds we’re able to raise for the preschool will be helpful.

RM: Personally, I’m trying to find ways to shop local this year. This is a really great way to do a lot of local shopping in one weekend.

MW: Definitely, and I think people can feel good about the Christmas gifts that they buy. Not only will they be beautiful, unique, and interesting, they will have done something to support their local community.

Filed under: Canmore