ROB MURRAY: Santa’s Anonymous is back in Banff and Lake Louise for another Christmas season. I’m speaking with Tanya Piercey. What is Santa’s Anonymous?

TANYA PIERCEY: Santa’s Anonymous is a volunteer community-based initiative dedicated to relief of Banff and Lake Louise community members that are in financial need during the holiday season. It’s been supported by residents, businesses, and community organizations in Banff and Lake Louise since 1984. Our communities are definitely not immune to challenges with food security, health costs, and housing. Food costs are rising year after year, so we’re here to help whoever needs help.

RM: What is your fundraising goal this year?

TP: Like last year, we’re hoping to hit $50,000.

RM: With COVID-19, I think every campaign is going to be running a little differently this year. What are some of the changes that you can tell us about?

TP: We’re committed to distributing grocery cards this year. Due to COVID we’re unable to have our annual Santa’s Anonymous Legion fundraiser, which is our largest annual contributor to our campaign, so we have a team fundraiser that’s called ‘Fill Your Freezer’. Stock up and enjoy your local restaurant quality meats, sausages, cheese boxes, pies, chicken, Rocky Mountains Flatbread pizzas, and of course bacon. You can team up with your friends or you can buy items by yourself. We’re suggesting everyone to go to our website to take a look at the products there and we get money from the team funds to go toward buying the gift cards. The deadline is November 30th and pickup will be December 8th.

RM: Are you doing gift donations or anything like that this year?

TP: We’re looking strictly for the financial donations as of now, just because of how COVID is.

RM: If people just want to donate cash, what’s the best way to do that?

TP: At the Town of Banff front desk. You can either do cash, debit, or certified cheque to Santa’s Anonymous and they will give a tax receipt right there. You’re also welcome to go onto our website or Facebook and you’re able to donate there through e-transfer.

Filed under: Banff, Santa's Anonymous