ROB MURRAY: I’m speaking with Banff Mayor Karen Sorenson. We’re seeing COVID cases rise quickly within the Banff and Lake Louise area. This must be one of those not great scenarios you’ve been preparing for since March/April.

KAREN SORENSEN: Absolutely. We do feel very blessed to have had the low case count that we’ve had since March. Although this is not by any stretch of the imagination ‘good news’, I suppose perhaps most of us knew that at some point this was possible and perhaps even likely to happen. I want to really stress that our businesses are doing a really good job keeping their workers and customers safe, and we are working with them now so that they can meet and understand the new enhanced measures in order to stop the spread. Some businesses have made their own decisions to close at this point to keep interactions low and to keep their staff and potential customers safe

RM: Are there any indications of where this sudden rise in virus spread is coming from?

KS: Well, I think it’s been pretty public. The cause of transmission in Banff is very clear. It’s social gatherings, and they are the reason for the spike in cases. Places of work are not the source of transmission. That is why we are asking all residents to stop house parties and any gatherings at all outside of work. People are asking why we’re not recommending any further restrictions in Banff beyond the measures put in place by the province, and it’s because a forced closure of businesses could take away some of those locations that are the safest in our community. I think it’s important that the public hears that our local RCMP are enforcing the ban on house gatherings and they can fine everyone at a house party $1000 for breaking the Alberta restrictions on gatherings. I am asking the public, if you’re aware of gatherings and people breaking rules, to please call our bylaw team or call the RCMP to investigate. We need this to stop. Now.

RM: What are some other recommendations from the Town at the moment?

KS: We’re following the provincial recommendations. No nonessential visits. Employees in office settings are being encouraged to reduce the number of workers on site. Limiting your cohorts. Liquor is not to be served in any location after 10:00 PM. We also need to ask everyone to understand what close contact is and the implications of not staying more than six feet from other people. When you see a couple of friends in the street, for heaven’s sake, don’t hug each other. If you stand for 15 minutes and you happen to be within six feet of each other having a conversation, and then one of those friends test positive for COVID within two days, you will have to quarantine for 14 days. The impact can be very significant and we need to get a handle on this. We do not want to get to the point that we have to close any services, and certainly our essential services like our grocery stores, post office, even Town of Banff services could be impacted.

RM: What about some messaging for visitors to our community right now?

KS: We go back several months and we want our visitors to know that our priority is the health and safety of the community. Plan ahead to find out what businesses and attractions are open. We really recommend that visitors call individual businesses ahead to understand their measures, and obviously continuing to remind visitors to follow the health and safety protocols and about our mandatory mask bylaw, which is still in existence in every building, and to wear a mask outside in the downtown core. We continue to be very impressed with the compliance. Another message would be to ask people to go to and they can learn about all the restrictions and the responsibilities of employers and individuals.

RM: Back in the spring there were some checkstops set up at the entrances to town, turning away vehicles or informing them of what was going on. Has there been any discussion about implementing those types of measures?

KS: Not at this point. I think it goes back to this comment that we know why this is happening, and it is about social gatherings in homes. At this point there has been no discussion by council or about from our ECC, as far as I know, as far as reinstating that tactic at this time.

RM: Before we wrap things up, is there anything else that you’d like to add here today?

KS: I do need to stop and thank our businesses. My heart really goes out to them. They have worked so hard to maintain the restrictions that have been put in place. We also really want to say thank you to the businesses are notifying the town about cases. We don’t know specifics, but we are getting information so that we have some concept of how many cases are in town and that’s really appreciated. They’re also letting us know if their staff have been isolated. I really thank the businesses and I just feel so badly that they have to continue to impact their operations in this way, and to our residents as well. The vast majority of residents are following the rules, wearing masks, and maintaining social distancing, and I thank them as well. I’m just asking anybody who’s not to stop it. Smarten up. This is serious.

Filed under: Banff, covid-19, Karen Sorensen