Ezra mommy face Sept8_pamdoyle c

Ezra is one of the sweetest dogs we have ever met! She loves everybody and wants to cuddle. She looks up at you with adoring eyes and even if she’s too busy to greet you, while she is eating for ex:, she’ll wag her tail exuberantly to say Hi! She was rescued from a dog cull in Northern SK. Little did we know that while we thought we were saving one dog, we were really saving 12!! She gave birth to 11 precious little pups on August 10. Needless to say, this unexpected event has doubled our dog population and we are bursting at the seams! We need your help to find all of our wonderful dogs loving homes! Please visit our website for more information!

Ezras puppy poster Sept8 print size_pamdoyle 2

Filed under: Bow Valley SPCA