Earlier this week Ron Remple from BOWDA joined me on air to talk about the contributions developers have made to wildlife connectivity in the Canmore area.  Inspired by the positive tone Leanne Allison and her filmmaking team set in the recently released Living with Wildlife documentary Ron is also hoping to show from a positive perspective the contributions developers have made to the wildlife system over the past 25 years, with nearly every designated and pending corridor a piece of land that was given up by a private developer to ensure wildlife movement through the Canmore area.

Tanya and I thought this was an interesting line of conversation and followed up with a segment on the Mountain Insider this week.  We agreed that private developers should be celebrated for giving up land that in many cases had prime building potential to ensure wildlife connectivity but we also felt it opened up further questions.  For example, if the land is so important for wildlife movement why did it end up privatized in the first place instead of protected by the province?  And what role has the community played ensuring developers have set aside land that’s actually functional for wildlife?


Filed under: BOWDA, Canmore, Silvertip, Three Sisters Mountain Village, Wildlife Corridors