Our children are growing up in a new age of technology. When I was six-years-old things like smartphones and tablets were the stuff of science fiction and Super Mario Bros. was the height of video game technology. Now I have my own six-year-old son who is constantly being pulled towards more screen time and I have no frame of reference to know how much is too much and how to navigate this world of Youtube celebrities, engaging video games, and endless apps.

Does this sound like you? Do you have a child or teen too busy constantly staring at their phone or tablet to engage the world around them? What’s this kind of activity doing to their developing brains? Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age is a documentary that dives into this world. It will be screened on Thursday at 6:30 PM at the Banff Centre’s Max Bell Auditorium, followed by a panel discussion with local experts and teens.

Colin Harris is the Child & Youth Program Coordinator with the Town of Banff and Executive Director of Take Me Outside.  He discusses the screening and some of the big takeaways he received after watching the film.

Tickets are $10 for adults and free for 10-18 year olds, available here.

Filed under: Banff, Screenagers, technology