Here are the simple rules for leaving no trace while camping:

1. Use an already established camp site, don’t create one.

2. Use the fire pits provided. Do not create your own! (and keep fires manageable)

3. Clean your fire pit after use: Soak it stir it and soak it again. Then empty out the ashes in the garbage.

4. Garbage: CLEAN IT UP! This includes food scraps & dog waste. Even if it’s not yours, do the right thing.

5. Keep wild life attractants to a bare minimum, and make sure they are out of reach of wildlife. This includes garbage and food left out.

6. When hiking and biking, stay on the trails and paths.

Be respectful and responsible while camping.
What are other tips for leaving no trace?


Filed under: Banff, Bow Valley, camping, Canmore, Marcus Williams