RCMP shield-crest

The RCMP are investigating accounts of sexual assault in Banff national Park, last weekend.

One male suspect is described as Caucasian, tall, with blonde hair in his mid-twenties.  The second suspect is described as being black and 5?6? inches tall.

Police Report Here:

I would like to remind the public, that these attacks are in NO way the victim’s fault. They only ones to blame are the attackers themselves.

Any one with information are being asked to contact the Banff RCMP

Phone: 403.763.6600

If you wish to remain anonymous,contact Crime Stoppers:

1-800-222-8477 (TIPS),  www.tipsubmit.com, or by SMS (check your local Crime Stoppers www.crimestoppers.ab.ca for instructions).

Marcus Williams

Filed under: Banff, Banff National Park, Canmore, RCMP