Oh Canada
O’ Canada is receiving a lyrical update aiming to be more gender-neutral.

Honestly, I don’t mind the lyric change in O’ Canada, gender equality is something to strive for! Is the lyric change going to affect me in the long scheme of things? Not in the slightest.
I don’t really understand why so many people are that upset about the lyric change. I mean sure, there are more pressing matters that should probably take priority in the government, but this was done with hopes to make Canada a more positive and equal country!
Besides, the lyrics have changed before (and in the future will probably change again).  The line in question originally read: “thou dost in us command”, then was changed too, “in all thy sons command”, now to “in all of us command”.

At the end of the day, if this is what we have to complain about, we are pretty lucky.

xo Marcus Williams

Filed under: Gender equality, Lyrics, Marcus Williams, o-canada