Healing Animals

My mom, Bea Murray, will be in Canmore on Monday and Tuesday to share Healing Energy for Your Companion Animals. With the number of dog and cat lovers in town she thought this would be a great venue to bring this workshop she’s helped popularize in Edmonton.

Bea shares her experience in energy work and what kind of information people will take away to share with their dogs and cats.

The workshop will take place Monday, June 8th and Tuesday, June 9th at 7pm at the upstairs conference room of the Canmore Rec Centre.  Cost is $40 per person which includes take-home materials.  The Monday workshop will be more focused on people who have experience in healing energy work and the Tuesday will be more for the beginners but anyone can attend either class depending on their schedule.  RVSP to beamurray@shaw.ca or call or text 780-803-0088.  Please leave your dogs and cats at home, you’ll have a chance to practice on them later!